Pick Your Market
What To Bring
Reusable Bags
Don't forget to grab your bags from your trunk to use when shopping at the market
Stay hydrated and bring your water bottle with you
All vendors accept cash - just remember to bring small bills
Weather Gear
We're an outdoor market in Nebraska... you never know what Mother Nature has in store for us!
Shopping List (OPTIONAL)
Figure out what you're shopping for before you come OR just let the magic of the market guide you
Not sure how to use a produce item? Need recipe ideas? ASK YOUR VENDORS! They love sharing their knowledge about the food they've grown
Pet Policies
We want EVERYONE to enjoy the market – furry friends and humans alike! Please follow our pet policies to keep all marketgoers happy, healthy, and safe!
- Must be kept on a short leash (no extendable leashes!)
- Keep by your side and under control at ALL TIMES
- Keep away from vendor booths
- Must be friendly with other pets, children, and people
- No one likes a poopy market - please clean up after your pet!
We are an OUTSIDE market and pavement gets HOT HOT HOT in the summer! Consider leaving your furry friends at home to protect their paws!
Not everyone is a pet lover – PLEASE be considerate and respect everyone’s personal space.
If there is an issue, our on-site managers reserve the right to ask you and your pet to leave the market.
Paying at the Market
Don’t have cash at the market? No problem! Most vendors accept card and payment apps like Venmo. But we also have a few other options:
Credit Tokens
Available at the Info Booth
Blue tokens ($5 increments)
Can purchase ANY item!
Spend like cash (you get cash back!)
**NOTE: $1 transaction fee
On-site at both markets
Saturday: In parking lot by Info Booth
Sunday: In front of Kincaider Brewing Company
Food Assistance Programs
CLICK HERE to learn more!
Double-Up Food Bucks
Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program vouchers